File a Claim
File a Claim

Have a problem with a package? No worries. We’ll help you with the process. 

How Does the Claim Process Work?

Let's take the stress out of shipping claims. Here's how:

Female with a laptop at a desk in a warehouse

1. Provide Some Details About the Package

Tell us about the package, including the tracking number, carrier, contents, and the value of the goods.

2. Support Your Claim With Additional Documentation

Items such as receipts, invoices and purchase orders can help support your claim.  Include photos for any damage claim.

3. File Your Claim

Email your claim and the team will get to work!  

Preventing Damage and Loss
Male UPS driver handing a package to a male at a buildings front desk
Preventing Damage and Loss

Shipping high-value goods can be a risky proposition. But following a few best practices can help reduce the risk of loss, damage, and fraud.  


The process should go quickly if you have submitted your required documentation.  If additional information is needed, a member of the team will notify you. Once your claim has been approved for payment, it will be paid in a timely manner. 

Each claim is different and as a result, may require different documents. However, almost all claims require proof of loss and documentation reflecting the value of the loss, such as an invoice or bill of sale. In addition, the following items may also be requested: freight invoice, packing list, replacement invoice, repair estimate, photos of the goods and packaging and, if lost, a police report or statement of non-receipt by the receiver.

If there is a damage or missing contents claim you must retain the packaging until you are advised otherwise by your adjuster. 

If you experience a loss or damage, you must file a claim as soon as possible to help with potential recovery of the goods and no later than 30 days from the date of shipment delivery or in the event of non-delivery, 45 days from the date of scheduled delivery.  

You will receive acknowledgment of your claim promptly by email. If you do not hear anything within 5 business days of submitting your claim, email to confirm your claim has been received.