Customer Stories

A Custom Creation

Parcel Pro solves Day’s Jewelers multi-store billing and shipping puzzle.

Couple at jewelry shop choosing a necklace together

With an e-commerce operation and eight regional stores in New England, Day’s Jewelers ships a lot of jewelry. When sales increased drastically during the pandemic, the jewelry company needed to improve its systems for better efficiency and accountability in its inventory transactions and shipments. 

The Challenge

An inefficient billing and shipping process requiring time-consuming busywork

If one of Day’s Jewelers’ stores doesn’t have the item a customer needs, it can be shipped from another store. However, each individual store is responsible for its own shipping budget. Managing insured shipments with a third-party provider, while keeping track of internal invoicing wasn’t a sustainable process as the company grew. 

The Solution

A customized system built for Day’s Jewelers unique multi-store needs

Parcel Pro customized a billing and invoicing system that allows each of the jeweler’s regional stores to bill ‘sister’ stores for shipping charges. The shipments are easily set up through Parcel Pro’s shipping site. “I haven’t found any other company that offers anything like it,” said Heather Pilon, inventory operations manager, Day’s Jewelers. 

The Result

More accurate and streamlined accounting and record-keeping, plus a higher level of security

Day’s Jewelers now protects 90% of its shipments with Parcel Pro and benefits from the extra security measures, ease of use and billing customization. Heather noted, “I have had similar companies quote me a lower shipping rate, but I was never willing to make the switch with the security I have with Parcel Pro.”

Learn more about Parcel Pro’s shipping technology

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